
Our articles section features work done by past and current members of the club. Its purpose is to explore and showcase different areas of finance and economics that our members research and present their findings to the world in an engaging and accessible way, both for students and professionals.

Topic: Derivatives, Risk management

Credit Risk constitutes a fundamental concept in the financial world, thus its proper management is of outer importance. This report provides an introduction to Credit Risk, and more specifically dives into the basics of Structural Credit Risk Modelling and the estimation of Market implied Probabilities of Default, thoroughly presenting the intuition & methodology, as well as attempting a practical implementation.

Topic: Commodities, Derivatives

Overall, oil as a commodity is vital for the economy because it is an input for  most productive activities. Therefore, the signals stemming from the oil futures market can be considered as an indicator for global economic conditions and, if combined with other equally valuable data, they can be useful in forming a global economic outlook. 

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