- 2024 Timeline -
Exploring Financial Risk Management in Banking
On April 16th, we organised an event with Mr. Nikos Albanis, the Head of Group Financial and Liquidity Risk Management at the National Bank of Greece as the speaker.
In the event, our members had the opportunity to dive into the world of Financial Risk in Banking and learn about both the intuition, as well as the technical aspect of the types of Financial Risk a systemic Bank oversees in its Trading and Banking Book.

Attendance of the 2024 Delphi Economic Forum
Our Club attended the 9th Edition of the Delphi Economic Forum that took place from April 10 to April 13.
April 10-13 marked our third time attending the Forum. With the participation of Prime Ministers, distinguished professionals from the Banking industry, well-known entrepreneurs, and esteemed Business leaders the Delphi Economic Forum IX was a unique experience and an honor for our Club to attend.

Event with CIO of Beta Securities

Annual New Year's Event
On March 2 our club held its annual New Year’s Event which serves as the anniversary of the Club’s founding and an opportunity for current members to get to know and network both with other members and Alumni who come to celebrate the club’s growth and continued activity.

- 2023 Timeline -
Stout Annual Recruiting Event
On October 25, our club attended an online event organized by Stout.
Our Members had the opportunity to gain insights on the way Stout operates, its typical engagements and learn about career opportunities in Greece.

Bank Of America Global Markets Event
On October 13, our club organized an event with Bank of America Merill Lynch.
Members of the club had the opportunity to talk with Dimos Syrgkanis, Managing Director & Head of EMEA FICC Structuring about the responsibilities and projects of the Global Markets division, experiences from past work and potential career opportunities within BofA.

AXIA "Discover the World Of Investment Banking" Event
On May 26, our club organized an event with AXIA Ventures Group
The members of our club had the opportunity to learn about the functions and departments of an investment bank while listening to practical real-life experience from both experienced and entry-level employees of AXIA.

Attendance of the Delphi Economic Forum
Our Club attended the Delphi Economic Forum 2023 that took place from April 26 to April 29.
It was our second time attending the Forum. With the participation of Prime Ministers, distinguished professors across various fields, well-known entrepreneurs, and esteemed Business leaders the Delphi Economic Forum VIII was a unique experience and an honor for our club to attend.

Attendance of 1st Hellenic Impact Investing Conference
On February 16, members of our club had the opportunity to attend the 1st Hellenic Impact Investing Conference, organized by Hellenic Impact Investing Network.
The event covered a plethora of topics on Energy, Sustainability, Entrepreneurship, the Startup ecosystem, and Innovation. The significant role of Greece in becoming an attractive destination for Impact investors was highlighted and how competent institutions can help achieve this goal.

- 2022 Timeline -
Mastercard Open Office Event
We had the unique opportunity to attend an open office event of Mastercard Advisors at their Athens offices. Our members had the chance to talk with working professionals in the consulting sector and get key insights on present and future opportunities in the industry.

Oliver Wyman Office Event
The club had the great opportunity to visit the Oliver Wyman Office in Athens. A really insightful afternoon in which our members gained an exclusive look at the consulting industry, met with the OW team, and had the chance to discuss everything consulting-related.

Bank Of America Global Markets Recruitment Event
The club had the great opportunity to hold an event with Bank Of America in the Grande Bretagne Hotel in Athens.
During the event, we had the chance to get an in-depth insight about the Global Markets lines of business of Bank of America, as well as very useful tips and advice regarding the internship recruitment process. The presentation was also followed by a very impactful networking session.

Attendance of Athens Research Conference 2022
Our club had the pleasure to participate in the Athens Research Conference 2022, organized by Bank of America Merrill Lynch. The speakers of the event covered a broad spectrum of topics including Rates, Global Macro, Credit, FX, EM, ESG, and the Greek Economy.

Attendance of Delphi Economic Forum 2022
Our Club attended the Delphi Economic Forum 2023 that took place from April 26 to April 29.
Our participation in the Delhi Economic Forum VII, a first for the club, was a great honor. Under the auspices of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou, with the participation of five prime ministers and more than 2.000 delegates the DEF consisted of a number of panels and interesting conversations.